In addition to formal and informal faculty mentorship, the department offers support for two kinds of student-to-student mentorship
Undergraduate student mentorship program
- Undergraduates majors interested in mentoring or being mentored by other undergraduate majors–typically sophomores or juniors are mentored by seniors, though juniors will sometimes also act as mentors to sophomores–can email the director of undergraduate studies, Daniel Greco , who will put them in contact with students looking to be on the opposite side of the mentoring relationship.
Graduate student mentorship program
- Advanced graduate students have always been an invaluable resource of mentorship for their younger peers. The department has recently implemented a reimbursement program to materially support these relationships. To qualify:
- The mentorship pair should seek authorization from the student coordinator – currently Sadie McCloud for a meeting on some theme.
- If permission is granted for a meeting, the student coordinator will send the details to the business manager.
- After the meeting, the mentor will be responsible for seeking reimbursement from the business manager.
- The mentor is responsible to provide a (brief) report to the student coordinator detailing the cost of the meeting and the subject-matter discussed.
- There is presently a $25 cap on reimbursable expenses per meeting. Also, during this trial semester mentorship pairs can be reimbursed for up to two meetings.
- If a graduate student who wishes to stand in either of the mentor or mentee roles does not have a clear sense for a potential pairing, the student coordinator can facilitate a pairing with a relevant student.