Working Groups

The Working Groups are graduate student organizations that host guest speakers and workshops. The Calendar of Events lists talks and workshops  for the  academic year hosted by the Working Groups. 

Olde English Bulldog sitting in a crown-shaped dog bed in a cathedral-like room


Talks scheduled by the Epistemology, Language, Logic, Mind, and Metaphysics group. Please contact Parris Sammut , Nate Serio , or Kaidi Pan for more information.

Yale building reflected in a still pool of water

Minorities and Philosophy

(MAP)  A working group open to undergraduates, graduates and faculty alike, MAP focuses on: a) the minority issues in the profession, b) theoretical issues regarding philosophy of gender, race, sexual orientation, disability, etc., and c) philosophy done from minority perspectives. MAP holds talks, lectures and reading groups. Sponsored by the Graduate School Dean’s Fund and occasionally co-sponsored by the Women Faculty Forum. For more information, please contact Angela Vettikkal, Cypress Hall, or Eliane Simon.

The intricate, wrought iron gate of the Memorial Quadrangle features the Yale motto Lux et Veritas and coat of arms

Society for Early Modern Philosophy at Yale  (SEMPY) 

A working group that promotes the study and discussion of the works of European philosophers of the 17th and 18th centuries. Relevant works include, but are not limited to, those of Descartes, Malebranche, Spinoza, Leibniz, Locke, Berkeley, Hume, Reid and Kant. Papers are made available for participants to read beforehand whenever possible; sessions usually begin with a brief summary of the author’s work followed by open discussion. Co-sponsored by the Whitney Humanities Center and The Edward J. and Dorthy Clarke Kempf Fund at Yale University. Please contact Henry Straughan for additional information.

Detailed view of the beauty and grandeur of one of the clocks of Harkness Tower

Working Group in Ancient Philosophy (WGAP)

Organizes workshops each semester designed to support the interdisciplinary study of ancient philosophy at Yale. The usual format is a paper presentation followed by a period of open discussion. Knowledge of classical languages is not required to follow the presentations and participate in the discussions; all original texts are discussed in English translations provided by the speakers. Sponsored by the Whitney Humanities Center. For more information, please contact Lizzie Davis, Angela Yeo, and Leonardo Serafini.

Exterior of the Beinecke Library features powerful stone geometry and marble panes

Moral Philosophy Working Group (MPWG) 

A working group focusing on issues in moral and political philosophy. Papers from graduate students and faculty both within and outside of Yale are welcome. Meetings are informal and consist of a short presentation, followed by discussion. Co-sponsored by the Whitney Humanities Center. For more information, please contact Paul Forrester and Harry Lloyd.


Post-Kantian European Philosophy (PKWG)

The Working Group in Post-Kantian European Philosophy seeks to promote the study of texts and themes in the post-Kantian philosophical tradition(s). The group encompasses various strands of nineteenth- and twentieth-century European thought, with emphasis on German idealism, Marxisms, the existential and phenomenological traditions, and critical theory. The working group provides a forum for cross-departmental conversation and collaboration, and a space for the discussion of thinkers that figure prominently across diverse disciplines and methodologies, including, but not limited to, Comparative Literature, English, French, Germanic Languages and Literatures, Philosophy, and Religious Studies.
The group hosts two to three speakers a semester to present their research, as well as a monthly works-in-progress colloquium for Yale graduate students, postdocs, and faculty. Interested participants from all disciplinary backgrounds are welcome. For more information, please contact Sera SchwarzHenry Straughan, Daniel LeBlanc, or Klint Shim.