Graduate Placement

The subsequent employment records of all the Philosophy Department’s post-2008 PhDs for those students who consented to make this information available is listed below. Names are withheld for privacy. One column of the table lists the initial position accepted upon graduation. The other lists regular employment updates for five years. 

Graduates by Year

Year of PhD Initial Position after graduation Current position (up to 5 yrs after graduation) Area of specialty
2024 Univ. of St. Thomas Houston Univ. of St. Thomas Houston Ancient Philosophy
2024 Stanford University Univ. of Pittsburgh (fall 2025) Early  Modern
2023 Brampton Manor Academy in East Ham, London Brampton Manor Academy in East Ham, London Post Kantian
2023 Oklahoma State University Oklahoma State University Metaphysics and Epistemology
2023 Indiana University Indiana University Early Modern Philosophy
2023 Stanford University Stanford University Ethics and Feminist Philosophy
2022 Yale University   Logic
2022 Yale University Yale University Philosophy of Religion
2022 Stanford University Stanford University Political Philosophy
2022 University of Pennsylvania St. Olaf College  Jewish Philosophy and Philosophy of Religion
2022 Mount Holyoke College King’s College London Early Modern Philosophy
2022 University of Oxford University of Oxford Philosophy and Psychology
2022 Purdue University Purdue University Ancient Philosophy
2022 Loyola University Chicago Loyola University Chicago Philosophy and Psychology
2021 University of Oxford University of Oxford Philosophy and Psychology
2021 Ohio State University Ohio State University Philosophy and Law
2021 Yale University King’s College London Ancient Philosophy

Year of PhD Initial Position after graduation Current position (up to 5 yrs after graduation) Area of specialty
2020 Virginia Commonwealth University UC San Diego Ethics, Political Philosophy, and Philosophy of Law
2020 Rutgers University Freie Universitat Berlin Philosophy of Language and Ethics
2020 University of Agder, Norway Ludwig Maximillian Universitat, Munich Ancient Philosophy
2019 Dartmouth University Trinity College, Dublin Philosophy of Mind and Cognitive Science
2019 University of Pittsburgh University of Pittsburgh Philosophy of Language
2019 University of Chicago University of Chicago Early Modern
2019 ETH Zurich Georgetown University Experimental jurisprudence
2019 University of Toronto Georgia State University Philosophy of Mind and Action, Epistemology, and Moral Psychology
2018 Fairfield University Georgia State University Ancient Philosophy
2018 University of California, San Diego University of California, San Diego Metaphysics
2018 Yale University Yale University Metaphysics and Philosophy of Science
2018 Fairfield University Fairfield University Metaphysics and Language
2018 Cambridge University York University, Canada Early Modern
2018 Villanova University Brown University Ancient Philosophy
2017 Australian National University University of Leeds  Philosophy of language and metaphysics
2017 Australian National University University of Saint Andrews Philosophy of language, mind, and metaphysics
2017 NYU Cambridge University Early modern
2017 NYU Cambridge University Philosophy of mind, philosophy of psychology, and epistemology
2016 Univ. of St. Thomas, St. Paul, MN University of St. Thomas, St. Paul, MN Early modern and metaphysics
2016 Bowdoin College   Metaphysics and Philosophy of Language
2016 Princeton University NYU Moral and Political philosophy
2016 Quinnipiac University Idaho State University Ancient philosophy
2016 University of Connecticut Brown University Philosophy of language, philosophy of logic, metaphysics, epistemology

Year of PhD Initial Position after graduation Current position (up to 5 yrs after graduation) Area of specialty
2015 University of Louisville, KY University of Louisville, KY Epistemology and Philosophy of Language
2015 NYU Univ. of North Carolina, Chapel Hill Epistemology and the theory of normativity
2015 Johns Hopkins Univ. Catholic University of America Medieval Philosophy, Arabic-Islamic Philosophy, Philosophy of Religion, Aristotle
2015 Harvard Univ. Dartmouth University Philosophy and Psychology
2015 Australian National Univ. Brooklyn College Political philosophy, ethics, and moral psychology
2014 Univ. of Chicago   Early Modern
2014 Fairfield Univ.   Nietzsche, aesthetics, ethics, and philosophy of religion
2014 2014, Univ. of Puget Sound 2014, Univ. of Puget Sound Moral philosophy and ethics
2013 2013, Ohio State Univ. 2013, Ohio State Univ. Early Modern
2013 2013, Yale Univ. 2013, Yale Univ. Philosophy of Religion and epistemology
2013 2013, MIT 2013, MIT Philosophy of Language
2013 2013, College of DuPage, IL 2013, College of DuPage, IL Philosophy of Religion
2013 2013, Yale Univ. Private sector position Philosophy of Mind
2013 2013, Long Island University, Brooklyn 2016, School of Philosophy in the Faculty of Humanities at the National Research University Higher School of Economics, Moscow. Early Modern
2012 2012, Univ. of California, Berkeley 2012, Univ. of California, Berkeley Ancient Philosophy
2012 2012, Univ of Mississippi 2012, Univ. of Mississippi Early Modern
2012 2012, Seoul National Univ. Faculty 2012, Seoul National Univ. Epistemology, Metaphysics, Logic
2011 2011, Franklin and Marshall College, PA 2011, Franklin and Marshall College, PA Metaphysics
2011 2013, Purdue Univ. 2014, UC Davis Normative ethics, applied ethics, and bioethics.
2011 2011, Univ. of Chicago 2011, Univ. of Chicago Early Modern

Year of PhD Initial Position after graduation Current position (up to 5 yrs after graduation) Area of specialty
2010 2010, Rice Univ. 2010, Rice Univ. Value theory and normative ethics
2010 Assistant Prof., tenure-track Univ. of Kentucky Phenomenology, Ethics, and Philosophy of Law
2009 2009, NYU 2011, Columbia Univ., Barnard College Early Modern
2009 2009, Franklin and Marshall 2011, Weber State Univ., Utah Metaphysics
2009 2009, Southern Connecticut State Univ. 2009, Southern Connecticut State Univ. Logic, Metaphysics, and Epistemology
2009 2009, Univ. of Munich 2010, The New School, NY Early Modern
2008 2008, Northern Illinois Univ. 2008, Northern Illinois Univ. Epistemology, Early Modern Philosophy, Philosophy of Language
2008 2008, Valparaiso University   Ethical theory
2008 2008, Univ. of Miami 2012, Yale-NUS Ancient Philosophy