News & Announcements
Sarah Zager publication in Hypatia
A paper by Sarah Zager will be published in an upcoming issue of Hypatia.
Lea Schroeder publication in Apeiron
Lea Schroeder’s essay, “Replenishment and Maintenance of the Human Body” (Timaeus 77a-81e), will be published in the latest issue of Apeiron.
Jason Stanley in the Economist
Prof. Jason Stanley has an article on “Critical Race Theory and Why it Matter” in the Economist as part of their series Race in America.
Bridger Ehli’s paper on Locke
Bridger Ehli’s paper “Locke, Simplicity and Extension” is forthcoming in Archiv für Geschichte der Philosophie.
Prof. David Charles publishes a new book
David Charles latest book, The Undivided Self: Aristotle and the ‘Mind-Body’ Problem, was published late-March in the UK by Oxford University Press.
Prof. Laurie Paul wins Lebowitz Prize
Professor Laurie Paul received the Dr. Martin R. Lebowitz and Eve Lewellis Lebowitz Prize for philosophical achievement and contribution for 2020.
Prof. Shelly Kagan wins teaching prize
Shelly Kagan has been chosen by Yale’s Committee on Teaching and Learning to receive the 2020 Sidonie Miskimin Clauss Prize for Teaching Excellence.
Manon Garcia, new faculty member
The Philosophy Department is delighted to announce that philosopher, Manon Garcia, will be joining our faculty as an Assistant Professor in July 2021.