Ph.D. Reading List for Philosophy Track of Joint Classics & Philosophy Ph.D. Program


To be read in Greek 

  • Parmenides B fragments 
  • Heraclitus B fragments (in the edition of C.H. Kahn: The Art and Thought of Heraclitus)
  • Empedocles B fragments & new fragment (Martin & Primavesi) 
  • Atomists: Leucippus and Democritus in the edition (with translation) of C.C.W. Taylor (The Atomists: Leucippus and Democritus
  • Plato Apology, Phaedo, Symposium, Phaedrus, Republic I, II, IV, V 471c–480a, VI–VII, X, Laws X
  • Aristotle Categories 1–5, De Interpretatione, Physics I.5–8, II, III.1–3, IV, De Anima I.1, II.1–5, 12, III.1–5, Nicomachean Ethics I, II, III.1–5, X.6–8, Metaphysics I.1–2, XII.1, 6–7, 9–10 
  • Gorgias Helen 
  • Isocrates Against the Sophists 
  • Diogenes Laertius VII.43–82 (on Stoic logic) 

May be read in translation

  • Presocratics—material in Barnes Early Greek Philosophy not on “Read in Greek” list 
  • Plato Protagoras, Gorgias, Republic, Timaeus 
  • Epicurus the three letters (in e.g. Inwood & Gerson) 
  • Seneca De Tranquillitate Animi


To be read in Latin 

  • Lucretius De Rerum Natura 1–3 
  • Cicero De Finibus I, III, V; De Fato 
  • Seneca De Ira; Letters 120, 121, 124
  • Augustine Confessions I.6(8)–20 & 8.6(14)–12(30) (Skutella) 

May be read in translation

  • Lucretius: the remainder of DRN not on “Read in Latin” list 
  • Cicero Tusculan Disputations 3–4 

(Effective July 2019)