Past Event: WGMP: Stephen Darwall (Yale)

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This talk is on campus for members of the Yale Community.

Title: "It's On You": Accountability in Baseball, Finance, and Morality

Abstract: In the past two years, two wonderful books have appeared in which the words ‘accountability’ and its relatives, ‘accountable’, ‘account’, and the like, play prominent and perhaps unexpected roles. The books are Alva Noë’s Infinite Baseball and Robert Hockett and Aaron James’s Money From Nothing. Both books have very insightful things to say about their respective subjects, and both show that, in somewhat different senses, accountability enters into both. We will examine these, both for its own interest, but also to shed light on the nature of moral accountability, which I argue differs from accountability in both baseball and finance (despite Hockett and James's claims that moral accountability can be modeled on (financial) credit and debt).